• Festive Girl Pink

    How to wear Festive Girl Pink? I created this flower crown while sitting at my stall in Greenwich Market, I knew flowers had come to the forefront in fashion with all types of flowers growns seemed to be emerging. As I was researching through Pinterest and other stalls, Etsy and Amazon I came across the plastic flowers, (which I had purchased), just working with the plastic didn’t feel right, the texture of the plastic through my hands and trying to incorporate that into a flower crown wasn’t working for me. I decided to stick with what I know and that is making fabric flowers and adding embellishment through buttons and…

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  • Leaf Miner

    So you have decided you want to wear The Leaf Miner, but where and with what colours? So you have finally plucked up the courage to get a ticket to the gala, charity event or decided that you want to go to the theatre, (these are all suggestions to give you ideas of where to go) and of course my dear reader you will have many ideas and options of where you want to wear this fascinator, …….. you may even be wearing it at home while doing the cleaning. Sometimes when I am even bold enough I would be wearing it shopping, to give me the added encouragement and…